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EDITORIAL CAMPAIGNExpressVPNBrand Communication + Content, Brand DesignCOMMUNICATION STRATEGY LINKEDINDFB-REISEBÜROBrand Communication + ContentDEVELOPMENT MOVE CAMPAIGNDeutsche SportjugendBrand Strategy, Brand Communication + ContentCROSS-SEASON SPONSORSHIP STRATEGYFraportBrand Communication + Content, Brand ExperienceContent CampaignBetwayBrand Communication + ContentONGOING COMMUNICATION SUPPORTLaureus Sport for GoodBrand Strategy, Brand Communication + ContentPARTNERSHIP FLANDERS CLASSICSMewaBrand Strategy, Brand Communication + Content, Brand ExperienceDEVELOPMENT OF A NEW BRAND IDENTITYox8 Corporate FinanceBrand Design, Brand Strategy, Brand Communication + ContentLOGO DEVELOPMENTSports for FutureBrand DesignDATA-BASED BRAND ANALYSIS AND RE-BRANDINGShopgateBrand Strategy, Brand Communication + Content, Brand Design